User Agreement

This Agreement is concluded between NanduQ plc (hereinafter — the Administrator) and any person who, after accepting the terms of this Agreement, becomes a user of the site located on the Internet at the address: (hereinafter — the Site), hereinafter referred to as “User”, together in the text of the Agreement referred to as “Parties”, and separately — “Party” addresses this public offer to any person wishing to use the Site.

Unconditional acceptance of the terms and conditions of this Agreement shall be deemed to be the User’s fulfillment of the actions provided for in clause 2.3. of the Agreement.

  1. Terms and definitions used in the Agreement

    In the Agreement, unless the text of the Agreement directly implies otherwise, the following words and expressions shall have the meanings indicated below:

    1. Site — a set of software and hardware for computers, providing publication for public view of information and data, united by a common purpose, by means of technical means used for communication between computers in the Internet. The Website is located on the Internet at the following address:;

    2. Administrator — NanduQ plc;

    3. Content — all objects placed on the Site, including any posted information, design elements, text, graphics, illustrations, videos, scripts, programs, files, music, sounds and other objects, and collections thereof;

    4. User is a legally capable natural person who has joined this Agreement in his own interest or acting on behalf and in the interests of a legal entity represented by him.

  2. Subject of the Agreement

    1. Under this Agreement, the Administrator grants the User the right to use the Website to the extent and on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. All terms and conditions of this Agreement apply to the Site as a whole and to all its components in particular.

    2. The purpose of the Site is to provide information about the activities of the group of companies NanduQ.

      It is allowed that the content of the Site may be incomplete or inaccurate. The Administrator is not responsible for any inconsistencies in the content of the Site. The Administrator is also not responsible for any possible damage due to visiting the site or lack of access to it. All information provided is for informational purposes only. The reliability of the information provided is not guaranteed and is not an obligation of any kind on the part of the Administrator with respect to the User.

      The content of the site may contain some predicted values or information characterizing events that will take place in the future, including the forecast of financial indicators of the Administrator or the group of companies NanduQ. Such information may diverge from the actual, and the Administrator is not responsible for possible discrepancies with the predicted values.

      Administrator does not represent or warrant that the functions or Services contained in the Site will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that this Site or the services are free of viruses or other malware or harmful components.

    3. User’s use of the Site within the limits of its functionality, including:

      — Viewing information posted on the Site;

      — Sending notices and messages to the Administrator using the Site;

      — Using the Site in any other way, is the User’s acceptance of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

    4. By using the Site, the User hereby confirms that he:

      — Has familiarized himself with the terms of this Agreement in full;

      — Accepts all terms of this Agreement fully and unconditionally, undertakes to comply with them or to stop using the Site if the User does not agree with the terms of the Agreement;

      — The Agreement may be changed by the Administrator without any special notice to the User. The new edition of the Agreement and/or mandatory documents specified therein shall come into force from the moment of posting on the Site or informing the User in another convenient form, unless otherwise provided by the new edition of the Agreement. The current version of the User Agreement is available on the Website at the link

  3. Restrictions on the use of the site

    The User undertakes:

    1. Not to transfer information about third parties in the feedback form of the Site;

    2. Not to use software and not to perform actions aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Site and its services, not to download, store, publish, distribute and provide access or otherwise use malicious programs on the Site;

    3. Do not use automated scripts (programs) to collect information on the Site and (or) interact with the Site and its services without special permission of the Administrator;

    4. Not to illegally collect and process personal data of other Users;

    5. Not to access any services in any way other than through the interface provided by the Administrator, unless such actions have been expressly authorized to the User in accordance with a separate agreement with the Administrator.

  4. Use of the site content and any results of intellectual property posted on it

    1. It is prohibited to use the Site for the purpose of gaining access to the source code of the Site software, or its decompilation, copying or modification, creation of derivative programs.

    2. Reproduction, distribution, copying of any Content posted on the Site, any information may be made only with the written permission of the Administrator.

    3. This Agreement does not provide for granting any rights to any components of the Site to the User.

  5. Responsibility of the Parties

    1. The Administrator does not guarantee that the software of the Site is free of errors and/or computer viruses or extraneous code fragments. The Administrator provides the User with an opportunity to use the Site software “as it is”, without any guarantees on the part of the Administrator. The Administrator is not responsible for the inconsistency of the Site with the User’s expectations, for problems arising in the course of the Site operation (compatibility with other packages and drivers, non-standard configuration, non-compliance with the basic technical requirements to computer or other equipment or to the installed software, etc.).

    2. The Administrator makes every possible effort to ensure normal operation of the Site, but is not responsible for failures in its operation, as well as possible losses resulting, including but not limited to, as a result of:

      — unlawful actions of Users aimed at violation of information security or normal functioning of the Site;

      — failures in the Site operation caused by code errors, computer viruses and other extraneous code fragments in the Site software, deletion of files, change of functions;

      — absence (impossibility to establish, terminate, etc.) of Internet connections between the User’s server and the Website server, delays in data transmission;

      — carrying out by state and municipal bodies, as well as other organizations of activities within the framework of the System of operative-search activities;

      — establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) of business activities of commercial organizations in the Internet and/or establishment by the said entities of one-time restrictions that impede or make impossible the functioning of the Site;

      — other cases related to the actions (inaction) of Users and/or other subjects aimed at worsening the general situation with the use of the Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of conclusion of the Agreement, as well as any other actions aimed at the Site and third parties.

    3. The Administrator has the right to perform preventive maintenance in the hardware and software complex of the Site with temporary suspension of the Site and maximally reducing the time of inoperability of the Site.

    4. The Administrator shall not be responsible for the accuracy of any posted information, as well as for losses incurred as a result of the use of this information.

    5. The User shall be liable for violation of this Agreement in accordance with the current legislation of the republic of Cyprus.

  6. Other terms and conditions

    1. This Agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance of this offer by the User and is concluded for the entire period of use of the Site.

    2. Issues not regulated by this Agreement shall be resolved in accordance with the legislation of the republic of Cyprus.