
Audit Committee

The Audit Committee is established to represent and assist the Board in the oversight and monitoring of:

  • NanduQ accounting and financial reporting processes and the auditing of NanduQ financial statements;
  • The integrity of NanduQ financial statements;
  • NanduQ internal accounting and financial controls;
  • NanduQ compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, and the independent auditors’ qualifications, independence and performance.

Compensation Committee

The Compensation Committee is established for the following purposes:

  • Provide the oversight of NanduQ compensation policies, plans and benefits programs;
  • Fulfill the Board’s responsibilities relating to oversight of the compensation of the CEO and executive officers;
  • Evaluate, approve and administrate NanduQ compensation plans, policies and programs, including its equity compensation plans;
  • Seek to ensure that NanduQ structures its compensation plans, policies and programs to attract and retain the best available personnel for positions of substantial responsibility with NanduQ, to provide incentives for such persons to perform to the best of their abilities for NanduQ and to promote the success of NanduQ.

Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee

The Strategy and Sustainable Development Committee is established for the following proposes:

  • Assessing the strategic development plans, business plans, major financing and investment proposals and other material issues that affect the development of NanduQ and its subsidiaries;
  • Defining top-priority areas, strategic targets and major principles of strategic development of NanduQ and its subsidiaries;
  • Defining strategic priorities and guidelines for sustainable development and monitoring the implementation of the Environmental, Social and Governance strategy, or the ESG strategy.